was me

Post date: Jul 4, 2017 7:38:53 PM

Notions unwilling accumulated

Hindrance was a mere feel

Toils the darkness logged

As I let the dawn to me

Revelation to realization

Perhaps, my own restraint was me

The breeze now is subtle

But the sways of the leaves firm

Deciphering would be unattainable

Darkness from light

Joy from pain

Perhaps, my own dilemma was me

Every hue cue valid

All aspects are but a view

I cannot dictate the rise or the set

I am but my own destiny

I am what I want to be

Perhaps, my own restriction was me

Expectations feeble who knew

Would be my own shackles

Knowing yet not acknowledging

As I untangled myself

Lay bare the complexities I bred

Perhaps, my own enigma was me

I stand liberated now

All the ifs and buts I let me inhibit

Far from the petty confines

I let myself flow

I am in control of my destiny

Perhaps, my own adversary was me