Scattered - From My Ramblings...

Post date: Jul 17, 2011 3:45:00 AM

Deliverance set

Dispersal must

Deliberating resolve

Deem real

Opinions like peels

Opaque bulb deep

Over past each

Other no like

Erosion in time

Emancipate confined

Earnest how then

East not where cycle sets

A parting must

A thirst persistent

A journey this eight

A beginning of the end


The underlying theme in this rambling is around the eight month of the Arabic calendar which corresponds to a period where traditionally the tribes set out in search of new sources of water ( title). The ramblings evolve through how peeled we at times get, that for sure one day gets out the real feeling that we at times grow to ignore for whatever reason. This particular month specially today is also the period in Arab culture where the dead are commemorated. Hence the analogy where until you have lost you don’t realize or appreciate the value.